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最后更新: 2019-02-09 16:01
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  • 所在地区:广东
  • 收藏本公司 人气:790
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    r r产品介绍:r本产品具有过载保护、短路保护、过压、欠压保护、过温保护功能。精致小巧、美观大方,是追求美观的最佳选择。只要插在插座上,便可使用耗电150W以内的电器。r使用方法:
    3、把需要使用的电器电源插头插入本产品插座内。r rHailis汽车用品有限公司是汽车天线,车用天线、车载天线.门边胶、挂钩、前标、车用装饰贴、反光贴、车用窗帘等产品专业生产加工的有限责任公司,公司现拥有专业的装配车间,先进的装配技术和熟练的操作人员,工厂拥有200多名熟练的员工,有贴片生产线、塑胶模具车间,电子组装等一系列的工艺制作流程,生产能力和产品质量得到了世界各地客户的信任。凭借公司先进的硬件设备和生产能力,Hailis汽车用品有限公司有信心带给客户最高效的服务,为客户赢得更多的利益,公司立足自身健康发展的同时回报社会。 r  Hailis注重产品的质量和公司管理系统的规范,顺利通过ISO900质量管理体系认证工作,建立规范的一体化管理系统。目前公司的产品已销往全球20多个国家和地区,覆盖了欧洲、美国、日本及东南地区,在国际市场上取得了良好声誉和广泛的好评。 r电子技术突飞猛进,产品更新日新月异,Hailis秉承务实、高效、廉洁、前瞻的企业精神,坚持以市场为导向、以管理促效益、以品质求生存、以创新求发展的经营理念,以诚实务实的态度,实现企业的稳步经营;以开拓创新的精神,实现企业的永续发展Hailis汽车用品有限公司拥有完整、科学的质量管理体系。Hailis汽车用品有限公司的诚信、实力和产品质量获得业界的认可。欢迎各界朋友莅临Hailis汽车用品有限公司参观、指导和业务洽谈。r.cn         //hailida5688.cn.alibaba.com    r//hailis.b2b.hc360.com     联系QQ1309138594 r r rHailisAutomotiveThing  LTE.,CO A car antenna, door rubber, hook, the former standard, car decorative stickers, reflective stickers, and other professional production and processing of a limited liability company, the company now has a professional assembly plant, advanced assembly techniques and skilled operators, The factory has more than 200 skilled employees and SMT production lines, plastic molding workshop, electronic assembly and a series of craft production process, production capacity and product quality has been the trust of customers around the world. With the company's advanced hardware equipment and production capacity, HailisAuto Accessories Co., Ltd. is confident to bring customers the most efficient service, to win more benefits for customers, the company based on their own, while the healthy development of the society.rHailis focus on product quality and management system standards, passed the ISO900 quality management system certification, establish a standard integrated management system. The company's products have been sold to more than 20 countries and regions worldwide, covering Europe, the United States, Japan and the Southeast, in the international market and achieved good reputation and wide acclaimrElectronic technology advances, product updates each passing day, Hailis adhering to the "pragmatic, efficient, clean, forward-looking" spirit of enterprise, adhere to the "market-oriented, to manage and promote efficiency, quality of survival, innovation and development" business philosophy to be honest and pragmatic attitude, the steady operation of enterprises; to pioneering and innovative spirit to achieve the sustainable development of enterprises, HailisAuto Accessories Co., Ltd. has a complete and scientific quality management system. Hailis Automobile Accessories Co., integrity, strength and quality of products recognized by the industry. Welcome friends from  Hailis Auto Accessories Co., Ltd. visit, guidance and business negotiation.r.cn                //hailida5688.cn.alibaba.comr//hailis.b2b.hc360.com             联系QQ1309138594朗读r显示对应的拉丁字符的拼音r r r "};



