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品 牌: 奔驰
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最后更新: 2017-07-22 07:43
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100 件

(发货期限:自买家付款之日起 天内发货)


  • 所在地区:广东
  • 收藏本公司 人气:851
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    广州鑫诚汽车配件有限公司秉承‘‘以质量求信誉,以信誉求效益,以效益求发展,以发展求生存’’的理念和宗旨,深受广大新老客户的信赖。欢迎你的来电,我们的业务人员将竭诚为你服务. 公司主营保时捷配件--------保时捷卡宴配件,保时捷汽车改装件,保时捷SUV,保时捷911配件,保时捷Panamea 配件,保时捷博斯特配件,保时捷卡曼配件,保时捷卡雷拉配件。供应车顶架 ,脚踏板,前后挡板,大包围,挡泥板,钢圈,排气管,晴雨挡,字标,轮毂盖,车灯,中网,电池,油品(美孚,嘉实多,壳牌),刹车片,刹车盘,备胎,汽车玻璃,大灯,尾灯,雾灯,叶子板灯,门拉手,底盘件……. 路虎配件----路虎发现3配件,发现4配件,路虎神行2配件,路虎揽胜配件,路虎揽胜运动版全车纯正原厂配件; 奔驰配件------140163164.204211220221全车配件; 宝马配件--- X3X5E34E36E38E39E60E66全车配件; 奥迪配件-----Q7配件,奥迪Q5配件,A8配件等全车配件; 大众配件-----途锐配件,途观配件,车顶架,踏板,前后护杠,挡泥板等SUV外饰件; 沃尔沃配件-----XC60配件,沃尔沃XC90配件,供应踏板,挡泥板,前后护板。 ? 公司位于广州汽车配件批发地。(致友汽配城对面,金贵街18号)其营业面积约100平方米,并备有500平方米的独立库房。库房备有充足的汽车配件的现货,其配件品种齐全,价格优惠,保证纯正原厂配件。 我们承诺:在我们这里买的所有配件半年质量保证!专业成就品质,品质造就未来。我司的宗旨是:专业 诚信 快捷 Guangzhou Xin Cheng auto pats fims mainly engaged in Euope (Gemany. UK) famous ca pats sales. We ae able to continue to gow, as sales of Posche, Land Rove, Infiniti, Audi, Touaeg, Mecedes-Benz, BMW genuine pats well-known pats deale. Supply oof acks, pedals, font and ea baffles, suounded by lage, fendes, ims, exhaust pipes, ain o shine gea, wod mak, wheel coves, headlights, gille, batteies, oil (Mobil, Castol moe, Shell), bake pads, bake discs, spae tie, auto glass, headlights, taillights, fog lamps, fende lights, doo handles, chassis pats ... ....

    The company is located opposite the Old To You, located in the national scenic - Baiyun Mountain, Baiyun aipot site nea the Aipot Road, south of Guangzhou Baiyun Intenational Convention Cente, convenient tanspotation is you ideal place puchased items, the company has high quality. skilled pofessionals. with yeas of fitting expeience. eliable poduct quality. favoable component pices. convenient means of sevice delivey fo the pupose by the majoity of custome tust! (duing the Asian Games in Guangzhou, whee I bought the full accessoies 1000, Ji Song a BENZ o BMW hat, which bought Ji Song, welcome old and new customes to ou company pocuement, we will be happy to seve you).



