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品 牌: 车亮
有效期至: 长期有效
最后更新: 2017-07-22 08:28
1 罐
10000 罐

(发货期限:自买家付款之日起 天内发货)


  • 所在地区:广东
  • 收藏本公司 人气:587
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    车底盘装甲 本品能迅速有效地形成特殊保护层,其独特的防锈抗腐蚀效能,能使汽车底部的橡胶及金属完全隔绝水汽腐蚀和砂石的撞击,大大减少噪音,特别适用于挡泥板、轮弧和挡泥板衬边、保险杆后部内侧、油箱、引擎盖内侧、引擎盖内板、汽车下围板、行李箱、汽车底板、其他可能发生腐蚀的部位。 主要成分:有机合成橡胶,合成树脂。 使用方法:使用前充分摇动均匀,于需清洁、干燥处理的地方30cm的距离处平均喷涂,等风干后再喷涂另一层,可喷涂数层而达到所需的厚度。 注意事项:高压下易燃,吸入本品产生的烟雾可能引起头痛、头晕或反胃,接触眼睛及皮肤可能引起过敏性反应。如未用完后,需倒置喷射数秒以清洁喷嘴,以防喷嘴堵塞。置放于远离小孩处。 防范措施:不置于热水或靠近放热物以及其他热源;不在瓶身刺孔或焚烧包装物;放置温度不可超过50℃(122F)。不可在明焰或有火花的地方使用,周围环境应通风良好。不可吸入其气体,避免眼睛及皮肤的接触;戴上适当的安全罩。 规格:700ml*12/1kg*12/2kg*6/5kg*2 有效期:3年 Undecoat & ustpoof This poduct contains ubbe components fo vaious tyes of moto undecoating. It has the functions as follows: ust-poof, watepoof, sound insulation, epaiing small cakes and so on. It is easy dying, flexible and duable, help to pevent coosion. It is non-flammable, could esist the high tempeatue. DIRECTION: Befoe usage even shake a body, leave clean, dy, need the pocessed place to want 30cm the distance aveage of ices spay to daw, wait the beeze to blow to fuck the empess, and spay again to daw anothe laye, and can spay few layes, foot attain a thickness fo needing. WARNING: Exteely flammabel, Contents unde pesue.Lnhalation fumes may cause headaches,dizziness of nausea. Contact with eyes and skin may cause iitation. PRECAUTION: Do not place in hot wate o nea adiatos, stoves o othe souces of heat. Do not punctue o incinete containe o stoe at tempeatues ove 50°C(122°F). Do not use in peence of open flame o spak. Use in a well ventilsted aea.Do not suitable vapous. Aviod contact with eyes and skin.Wea suitable potective clothing. Size:700ml*12 / 1kg*12 / 2kg*6 / 5kg*12 peiod of validity:3 yeas



