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供应表板蜡 仪表蜡 皮革上光剂 皮革清洁剂 绿巨人表板蜡450ml

品 牌: 绿巨人
有效期至: 长期有效
最后更新: 2017-07-22 08:38
10000 罐

(发货期限:自买家付款之日起 天内发货)


  • 所在地区:广东
  • 收藏本公司 人气:775
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    表板蜡 本品在清洁的同时能有效地保护人造皮,塑料及橡胶制品免受紫外线、高温、臭氧的影响;防止仪表板、皮革制品、车胎及保险杠的褪色、老化、龟裂、起皱等;增加物体表面光滑,美化及回复自然色彩,具防静电功能,减少灰尘积聚。 使用方法: 1.使用前充分摇动均匀; 2.距物体表面20-30CM均匀喷射,用布轻轻擦拭即可显出美丽光泽。 3.用于轮胎时,请先洗净泥垢。 注意事项: 1.本品需在40℃以下存放; 2.避热,勿受阳光直射; 3.不小心喷入眼中,请立即用大量清水冲洗干净; 4.勿让儿童接触。 规格:1*24 有效期:3年 Dashboad wax This poduct is effective in cleaning. It will potect the leathe and ubbe fom ultaviolet light and heat. Also pevent the instument panel, leathe goods, ties and bumpe fom fading, aging, cacking, winkling, etc. It will incease the suface smooth, landscaping and estoe the natual colo, with anti-static function, and educe dust accumulation. Usage: 1. Evenly shake well befoe use; 2. Spay it on the suface at the distance of 20-30CM, gently wipe with a cloth, it will be shiny vey soon. 3. Fo the ties, please flush the dust fist. Note: 1. This poduct should be kept below 40 ; 2. Avoid the heat, don’t put it unde sunshine; 3. When accidently go into eye, flush it with clean wate and ask docto fo help; 4. Keep it away fom childen. Specifications: 1 * 24 Peiod of validity: 3 yeas



